Every country is unique.  For example the United States is a titan in the world markets, dominates the global economy, and plays a massive role in international policy.  Meanwhile, the microscopic Singapore is a tiny mosquito buzzing around the elephant United States; its has its own agenda and it’s own unique traits.  These two nations have radical differences in aspects of their population, domestic economies, and land usage while sharing stunning similarities in the fields of industry growth and human capital strengthening; the United States and Singapore prove how despite nations being culturally different that they share an socioeconomic fate.

What is the Population’s Dynamic in the United States?

The United States’s population is appears uniform until a closer look is taken.  Generally, the country produces a uniform citizenship at roughly 20 million citizens for every lustrum.  After the 60 years old benchmark the amounts of citizens is skewed right with not even a million above 90 years of age due to human life constraints.  In total there are roughly 309 million Americans.

American population is heavily marked by its history.  There are two notable bulges in the population, between the ages of 45 and 59 and between 15 and 29.  These differentiations are the baby boomers and their offspring.  Soldiers returning from World War Two founded large families and kicked off a population boom on an unprecedented scale.  The core of the veteran’s children were born between 1950 and 1965.   These children are in the 45-59 year of age in the chart.  The children of the baby boomers are born between 1981 and 1995.  They comprise of the younger age mean between the ages of 15 and 29.  It is little surprise that in the United States that the median age of births is roughly 30.5 in the United States, which is also the mean age difference between these two generations.

What is the Population’s Dynamic of Singapore?

Singapore is a different story than the United States.  Her uneven population growth grows a mode between 20 and 29.  The data is most heavily skewed right.  There is also a small skew to the left for the younger generations.  In total there are roughly 4.84 million people.

Singapore’s population growth was swollen by the country’s conflicting population control polices.  As the Singaporean baby boomers, following World War Two, filled up the country during the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.  The government feared overpopulation of the small city state.  Following the Family Planning and Population Board Act of 1965 measures were taken to drastically reduced population growth.  Easy access to abortions, government funded voluntary sterilizations, and Orwellian slogans of “Stop at Two” filled the culture.  The effects of these measures can be seen in the relatively low populations between those aged 30 and 45.

By the early 1980’s new leadership feared the anti baby measures had been too effective.  Contradicting legislation was enacted.  Educated mother were encouraged with cash subsidies to have a third child.  For those who wanted to get abortion stringent guidelines and compulsory counseling.  The late 1980’s measures culminated with the slogan “Have Three or More (if you can afford it)3 in 1986.  This year rests directly between the populations aged 20 and 29, currently the years with the highest populations for Singaporean males and females.

Parts 2 is available: We explore the differences between the urbanizations, consumer baskets, and effects of these differences of these these polar extremes.

Part 3 is available.: We explore the similarites between Singapore and the United States in our interconnected world.


Graphs: “International Programs – – U.S. Census Bureau.” Census Bureau Home Page. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <;. 

1-“List of Countries by Population.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <;. 

2-“Stop At Two Campaign Singapore | ‘Stop at 2’ Campaign Works Too Well; Singapore Urges New Baby Boom – Los Angeles Times.” Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. 21 June 1987. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <;. 

3- “Population Control in Singapore.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 31 Oct. 2011. <;.